Project Description
With 4-5 weeks lead time for a 3 crane delivery, engineering, pre-erection, interstate and overseas transport and delivery of new crane from overseas, logistics were critical, included dismantling of a J600 crane from the Titan Mulgrave yard for the carpark.

The project was awarded to Hansen Yuncken (HY) in late 2015. Titan Cranes were approached by HY to assist with a Total Lift Plan solution for the site incorporating vertical goods movement (hoists) at the same time.
Titan were awarded the project in March 2016 with 3 cranes required for erection April 2016, J600 – 20t, J560-24t and J380-36tWLL.
The project involves 3 separate structures.
- Rehabilitation Centre – 8 level building.
- Multi level Carpark – 6 levels
- Elderly Mental Health unit – 3 level.
The Gross Floor Area (sqm):
Rehab: 3,000 sqm per floor, 18,000 sq overall
Carpark: 8,500 sqm per floor, 57,000 sqm overall
OPMHU: 4,000 sqm for ground floor, 9,000 sqm overall
Overall: 104,000 sqm including all floors and landscaping
Site Area (sqm) (excluding all floors except ground of each building):
28,000 sqm
The two Hammerheads on the Project – J600/J560 provided crane coverage for the multi level car park an OPMHU, SMIE anti collision fitted to prevent crane interaction and provide additional safety to the project.
The carpark originally being a 4 level structure but during the early stages was increased to 6 levels by the client and the cranes HUH clearances enabled sufficient hook room to complete the additional levels without climbing the cranes. Two Titan 20/32 single hoists provided vertical goods and people movement at each end of the structure.
The luffing J380 crane was designated for the Rehab centre with a supporting twin 27/40 Titan Hoist, the crane set in single fall with a WLL 12t enabled faster hook speed and provided additional lifts per day, when the project required some modular 14-15t lifts the crane hoist was changed to two parts increasing WLL to enable the lifts.
The project duration is just over 12 months, the J560/J600 hammerhead cranes due for dismantle May 2017 with the J380 designated for June dismantle.
The cranes and hoists reliability over the project was paramount to ensuring a tight program, with additional works on the carpark. The cranes SMIE Anti-collision program ensured no safety incident in crane interaction during the project without slowing lift requirements.
This is Titan Cranes fourth major project with HY in SA in the last 5 years and the partnership is proving satisfactory to all, Titan Cranes look to support Hansen Yuncken in all projects moving forward.
Safety and reliability are key in crane and hoist supply.